2024 July

LD25 (Heidelberg Catechism), Rev Matthew van Luik, 28 July 2024
Sacraments are signs of the covenant through which God builds a relationship with his people
MP3 Audio File 26.9 MB
2 Corinthians 4:7-18, Rev M van Luik, 28 July 2024
We have the treasure of the gospel in jars of clay
MP3 Audio File 25.1 MB
LD47 (Heidelberg Catechism), Rev K Dekker, 21 July 2024
God's children pray their Father be hallowed always
MP3 Audio File 17.9 MB
Luke 7:36-50, Rev K Dekker, 21 July 2024
God's great forgiveness from his great love for great sinners
MP3 Audio File 26.1 MB
LD46 (Heidelberg Catechism), Dr R Bredenhof, read by Br S Postmus, 14 July 2024
Offer your prayers to your Father in heaven
MP3 Audio File 20.1 MB
Galatians 3:3, Rev S 't Hart, read by Br L Mulder, 14 July 2024
Never leave the gospel behind!
MP3 Audio File 23.3 MB
LD32 (Heidelberg Catechism), Candidate J Baijal, 7 July 2024
Delivered by God, we do good works with gratitude
MP3 Audio File 28.3 MB
James 3:13-18, Candidate J Baijal, 7 July 2024
We bless our Lord and Father for teaching us who has tamed man’s tongue
2024_07_07 am.mp3
MP3 Audio File 23.9 MB